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Healing from Spiritual Trauma

July 27, 20242 min read
black woman doing self care

Healing from spiritual trauma is a journey that requires understanding, compassion, and patience. If you've experienced hurt within your church community, know that you are not alone. Many people have faced similar struggles and found a path to peace and faith renewal.

Understanding Spiritual Trauma

What is Spiritual Trauma?

Spiritual trauma occurs when an individual's spiritual beliefs or practices are deeply wounded by negative experiences within their faith community. This trauma can stem from various situations, such as abusive leadership, rigid dogma, or exclusion. It often leads to feelings of betrayal, confusion, and isolation.

Signs and Symptoms of Spiritual Trauma

Recognizing spiritual trauma is the first step toward healing. Common signs include a loss of faith, anxiety about religious practices, feelings of shame or guilt, and a sense of being disconnected from your spiritual community. Physical symptoms like fatigue and insomnia may also arise.


Steps to Begin Healing

Starting the healing process can feel overwhelming, but taking small steps can make a big difference. Begin by acknowledging your pain and giving yourself permission to grieve. Seeking support from a therapist or counselor who understands spiritual trauma can provide a safe space to express your feelings.

Role of Faith in Healing

Faith can be a powerful tool in the healing process. Reconnecting with your spirituality in a way that feels authentic to you can provide comfort and guidance. This might mean exploring different spiritual practices or finding new ways to engage with your faith outside of a traditional church setting.

black woman in field in contemplation

Finding Supportive Communities

One of the most challenging aspects of healing from spiritual trauma is finding a community that supports your journey. Look for groups or online communities that focus on healing and faith reconstruction. These spaces can offer validation and understanding from others who have walked a similar path.

Practices for Spiritual Growth

Engaging in practices that promote spiritual growth can help rebuild your relationship with God. This could include activities like meditation, prayer, journaling, or spending time in nature. The goal is to find practices that resonate with you and foster a sense of peace and connection.

Resources for Continued Healing

Continued healing often involves seeking out resources that support your journey. Books on spiritual trauma, therapy, support groups, and workshops can all be valuable tools. Remember that healing is a continuous process, and it’s okay to seek help along the way. Check out my other videos for more faith content.

Stephanie Hicks is a dedicated Spiritual Care Coach specializing in helping women of faith who have been hurt by their church community. With a focus on deconstructing religion while maintaining faith, Stephanie integrates the Enneagram to help clients find alignment between their authentic selves and who God created them to be. Her approach centers on the pillars of Awareness, Acceptance, and Alignment, guiding women to heal from past hurts, embrace their unique identities, and create fulfilling, purpose-driven lives. Outside of her coaching business, Stephanie is dreaming of a micro-farm, a roller skating aficionado, and a passionate homebody living in Murfreesboro, TN, with her husband, kids, dog, cat, and chickens.

Stephanie Hicks

Stephanie Hicks is a dedicated Spiritual Care Coach specializing in helping women of faith who have been hurt by their church community. With a focus on deconstructing religion while maintaining faith, Stephanie integrates the Enneagram to help clients find alignment between their authentic selves and who God created them to be. Her approach centers on the pillars of Awareness, Acceptance, and Alignment, guiding women to heal from past hurts, embrace their unique identities, and create fulfilling, purpose-driven lives. Outside of her coaching business, Stephanie is dreaming of a micro-farm, a roller skating aficionado, and a passionate homebody living in Murfreesboro, TN, with her husband, kids, dog, cat, and chickens.

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